Aside from an interesting name, Nebido has some interesting uses and properties that make it one of the most unique testosterone based hormones in existence. It is essentially a long-form ester derivative of hormones normally used to treat men with low testosterone. It features the same ester of the hormone normally used in a hormone called Andriol. However, rather than being an oral steroid, Nebido is injectable, making it much more potent in terms of its administration and the effects of the hormone thereafter.
Because it’s so slow in terms of its effects, you don’t have to go overboard when it comes to using Nebido. You can get away with using 1,000 mg every 12 weeks, and after the first six weeks, you can get away with one more 1,000 mg dose just to add some space in-between the gap. Because it’s so slow acting and combined with its potency, only a few injections of it will yield tremendous benefits. This means fewer headaches for you having to inject all of the time, and you can rest assured that you’re being saturated with a very effective hormone that is going to alleviate all of your low testosterone symptoms.
Or Alternatively use 2ml(500mg) every 2 weeks.
Because it’s such a powerful androgen, you have to be aware of the side effects that are androgenic in nature. With any hormone that involves androgen receptors, there is always going to be the risk of estrogenic effects. This is because that whenever you introduce testosterone, they will aromatize, meaning that they interact with the aromatase enzyme, which converts them into estrogen.
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